Last Day! ODTUG Innovation Award

June 2nd is the LAST DAY for ODTUG Innovation Award nominations.

Make your nomination for the latest, greatest piece of awe-inspiring work using Oracle development technologies today.

It’s simple, go to the ODTUG Innovation Award Nomination page. Tell us about your nominee – or nominate yourself!  Everyone is eligible – make your entry today.

Is is a Cloud hybrid?  An APEX plugin? An open-source project that leverages Oracle tools?  A real clever in-house application of  Oracle JET? A really neat product from Oracle?  Anything goes!

Today is the last chance  to make your 2017 nomination.

The ODTUG Innovation Award honors excellence in creative, effective, and innovative use of Oracle development tools within ODTUG’s supported communities (ADF, APEX, BI, Database, EPM and Career). The goal is to honor developers – individuals or teams – whose passion and creativity shine through in their application of Oracle technology to address real-world problems.  Note that this year we are not excluding anything or anyone, so projects and individuals from all organizations (Oracle, too!) are welcome.

Remember that ODTUG members get to vote this year.  Make your nomination, then vote for it too! Member voting will be combined with judges scoring to determine an overall Innovation Award winner.

Check out the full information on the ODTUG web site here:

ODTUG Innovation Award Nominations

Best wishes to all our nominees!